Dear Editor, The paper we are submitting an extension of the conference paper "A probabilistic method to assess uncertainty in vision based modal analysis techniques" for possible pubblication in Acta IMEKO journal. The original paper has been presented at the "14th IMEKO TC10 Workshop on Technical Diagnostics 2016: New Perspectives in Measurements, Tools and Techniques for Systems Reliability, Maintainability and Safety in Milan" and proposed a Monte Carlo method with a purely numerical case study about the estimation of uncertainty in a possible application of vision based measurement system. The paper we submit today extends the content of the previous by adding an extensive experimental validation of the Monte Carlo method proposed in the conference paper. The experimental activity is presented in details, with description of the test bench design and operation. The results validate some of the findings presented in the conference paper and they provide useful practical indications for the application of vision based measurement system in modal analysis contexts. The length of conference paper was 6 pages, while the now submitted paper is 11 pages. With best regards, Alberto Lavatelli and Emanuele Zappa